Why Sound?

Sound connects us to the vibratory nature of all things. - Jill Purce
Sound is vibration made audible.
Sound both creates form, and dissolves form.
Sound draws us into a reciprocal relationship with the environment.
Sound is a perceptual portal to Presence.
We are both sound makers and listeners and we can do both consciously.
The nature of sound is aligned with Wholeness as one continuous and unfolding movement (more later).
Why Belonging?

Exploring the "how" and "why" of belonging.
We often frame in terms of belonging "to": family, community, organization, spiritual affiliation, etc.
What does belonging mean in the moment? In Presence?
Choice of resonance: Vibrational Reality or Storied Reality?
How is belonging connected to sound, integration and healing?
As we grow "In sound" we learn to create space to choose our alignment.

Why Wholeness?
"...mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement." - David Bohm
Like sound, and like music, we are ever enfolded within the flowing, changing and evolving truth of Wholeness.
The Sound, Belonging & Wholeness journey is an embodied process of growing in awareness of this truth through the portal of Sound.
What is Focused Listening?

I listen to everything all the time, and remind myself when I'm not listening. - Pauline Oliveros
Perceptual portal to Presence.
Consciously shifting perceptual awareness to the soundscape: near and far, constant and intermittent, natural and mechanical, inside the body and outside, etc.
Global and Focal sounds (Oliveros).
Affirms the life sounding all around us: the human, and the more-than-human.
Ways to Get Involved

Become a Subscriber: includes monthly newsletter and access to resources.
Online Programs: Essentials (coming up November 3rd!); *Weekend Intensive & *21-day Immersion (winter 2022); *Tuning to Wholeness Handbook
In Person Gatherings: Sounding Circles of Eight; Soundwalks
Become a Member: Weekly Tuning to Wholeness Meditations; monthly check-ins; access to files; etc.
'The Voice of ...': How the art of listening integrates natural, human and transcendent aspects of Wholeness.
Tuning to Wholeness Meditation
***Each part is honoured and amplified with self-created sound.***
Part 1: Beginning in Gratitude and Appreciation
Both attitudes open the channels to possibility and grace that transcend our individual circumstances. It is not necessarily about finding something to appreciate or be grateful for, but rather an inner state we can return to, regardless of circumstance. It is a way we acknowledge and honour our innate belonging in Wholeness.
Part 2: Invocation
An invocation is a calling upon, an appeal—to Spirit, Source, God, the muse, guides, helpers, qualities, energies, you name it. An invocation may be a request for help, a gesture of praise, or a desire for more presence, clarity, and compassion. An invocation is an act of recognition that we are open to receiving all the help available to us—and our Sound, Belonging & Wholeness journey recognizes that “help” comes from both seen and unseen sources.
Part 3: Intention Setting
Intention sets up a relationship between our vibrational reality and our desires, wishes and goals. Intention setting can be general, such as “I live in Presence;” or more specific, such as “I eat slowly. I savour my food.” Most importantly, we set intention “as though it is so”—as if it’s already happening, because vibrationally this is true. Our vibrational reality in Wholeness transcends linear time.
Part 4: Sending Forth
Sound, Belonging & Wholeness acknowledges, honours and amplifies that we are deeply connected with all of life; to the Whole. We send our loving vibrations to others, into our human and more-than-human communities, and into our beautiful and turbulent world. We may also want bring forward any specific concerns or people in to our circle of love, care, compassion and empathy.
The Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body.
It connects your brain to many important organs throughout the body, including the gut (intestines, stomach), heart and lungs.
The vagus nerve is also a key part of your parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous system.
It influences your breathing, digestive function and heart rate, all of which can have a huge impact on your health.
Vagal tone is an internal biological process that represents the activity of the vagus nerve.
Increasing your vagal tone activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and having higher vagal tone means that your body can relax faster after stress.
The vagus nerve is connected to your vocal cords and the muscles at the back of your throat.
Singing, humming, chanting can activate these muscles and stimulate your vagus nerve.
Adapted from 'How to Stimulate your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health' by Jordan Fallis